

Sunday, 17 June 2012

[Ellie's Blog] Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

Lately there's been a slew of Snow White themed media...Once Upon a Time (a TV show filmed in Steveston, Richmond), Mirror Mirror, and Snow White and the Huntsman. It's as if Hollywood is running low on comic books and best-selling novels, and has turned its sights on fairy tales instead I already follow Once Upon a Time and Mirror Mirror seemed a little silly, so I opted for Snow White and the Huntsman last weekend.

Unfortunately, a classic story, big names and flashy visual effects didn't quite hold my attention for two-hours plus. Each scene had interesting bits, but in between the scenes I found myself wondering more than once what time it was and whether I had received any email. Perhaps part of the boredom was related to Kristen Stewart and her default expression - blank.

On the positive side though, Charlize Theron was a superb evil queen, and her makeup artist was even better! Charlize managed to look gorgeous in one scene, then old and haggard, then young and beautiful again. I realize the movie is not shot in one continuous take, but it was enough for me to almost identify with the queen...after all, what lengths would you go to to look like a young and ravishing Charlize Theron?

Verdict: 2.5 / 5; Save your energy and money for other summer blockbusters "coming soon to a theatre near you."

Sunday, 3 June 2012

[Ellie's Story] Take Care, Ellie

     Hi Simon,

Sorry for not having responded sooner. It’s been sort of a rough week and even the simplest things have been taking twice as long to complete. I hope your week has been going well. Did you settle that case that you were stressing about? And how was your weekend Frisbee tournament? Hope your team won!
My week has consisted of mainly work and eating. I’ve been binging on ice-cream, mandarin oranges, and high-end pastries lately, and trying to enjoy some of the spurts of sunshine that we’ve been having. I’ve roamed around Stanley Park, and even made it out to QE park with Madison last weekend. (Have you seen any of the ducklings swimming in the ponds and waddling about the city? Super cute…) So despite the tough week, I’ve been trying to stay positive and relax whenever I can.

Anyway, I hope next week will be an improvement. Only time will tell! Let me know what you’ve been up to lately – chat soon.
~ Ellie

I double-checked my spelling before sending the email. Simon and I had still been emailing intermittently. I've noticed that his enthusiasm had dwindled with my apparent lack of enthusiasm. In the beginning, he had reached out a lot to try to get to know me. I honestly tried to reciprocate, but some part of me always held back a little, not wanting to expose too much of my inner world to a stranger. He seemed to notice, and subsequently, he too held back. So for the past while, we've only chatted like pen pals would - with any undertones of romance forgotten. Somehow, this suited me much better.
I felt a bit guilty, as he seemed like a nice guy – worthy of any girl’s attention. I just couldn’t bring myself to muster any more energy, especially recently, with my new-found angst over David being back in town.